Luigi Nono. Infiniti possibili

Film by Manuela Pellarin

Photography by Giovanni Andreotta | Production Kublai Film

with the precious collaboration of the Luigi Nono Archive Foundation and the contribution of Veneto Film Commission

broadcast on Rai 5 on Thursday 23 January 2025 at 21.15.

At the end of the celebrations for the centenary of Luigi Nono’s birth, Rai Cultura proposes an evening dedicated to an in-depth study of his art, thanks to his music and the testimonies of those who, together with him, have crossed the last century. In particular, Manuela Pellarin’s documentary film ‘Luigi Nono. Infiniti possibili’ explores the artist’s originality through different facets: human, poetic, social and political, with the aim of bringing the composer closer to the new generations and perhaps also intriguing those who missed the appointment with the Neoavantgarde and New Music in the second half of the 20th century. The documentary film features a rich repertoire of photographic images, videos and audio recordings, kept in the Luigi Nono archive that Nuria Schönberg, his wife, made available.

© Rai Press Office

More information here

Luigi Nono. Infiniti possibili will be available on RaiPlay.